TIDE Manning River Boolumbahtee/Djari Bila Cultural Restoration Strategy
Funded by NSW Estuary Asset Protection (Aboriginal Assets).
This strategy is designed to guide the management of the Aboriginal cultural heritage sites identified within target areas within the Project Location (Map 1). The priority will be both the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage within the floodplain and tidal reaches of the Manning River – Boolumbahtee/Djari Bila (Map 2) and the lower reaches of Khappinghat Creek and Saltwater Lagoon (Map 3) on the Mid-North Coast of NSW.
The Project Area is within the traditional estates of the Biripi and Worimi Aboriginal people, who have managed the Manning delta and Saltwater and harvested the resources there for thousands of years. The Strategy will allow the Biripi and Worimi people to tell their story and express their own feelings and attachments to country.
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